

Leaders of the Folklore Ensemble: Jonas Kavaliauskas and Elena Šalkauskienė

The folklore ensemble was founded in 1980. The ensemble's idea is a community of families who love folk songs. The ensemble's repertoire includes authentic songs, dances, games, rounds, instrumental music, and folklore from the region of Lithuania Minor. During performances, the ensemble members wear individual costumes typical of Lithuania Minor. Throughout its existence, the ensemble has prepared not only traditional calendar holiday programs but also several theatrical folklore performances.

The folklore ensemble "Alka" is a regular participant in the Song Festivals and international folklore festivals such as "Parbėg laivelis," "Lauksnos," "Tek saulužė ant maračių," "Skamba skamba kankliai," "Baltica," and others. With their Lithuania Minor programs, they participate in various city celebrations, events, and festivals across Lithuania. The folklore ensemble nurtures the traditions of Lithuania Minor and represents Klaipėda and Lithuania in international folklore festivals.

Awards and Recognitions

In 2015, at the Lithuanian national costume competition "Woven Identity," the ensemble won 1st place in the category "Best Folk Group National Costumes."

In October 2017, at the folklore festival held in Georgia, the ensemble "ALKA" was awarded a 1st-degree diploma. For its regional distinctiveness, grandeur of dance, and costume authenticity, the ensemble received the highest festival prize – the "Golden Pomegranate."

In 2018, the Mayor of Klaipėda awarded the folklore ensemble "Alka" for its long-term and honorable representation of the city at the Lithuanian Song Festivals.

The folklore ensemble "Alka" from the Klaipėda Ethnocultural Center was recognized as the best city folklore ensemble of 2018 and received the highest national amateur art award, the "Golden Bird."